Air Fryer Vegetable Recipes: The Ultimate Guide


In the last few years, air fryers have become popular in cooking because they provide a healthier way to make fried foods. What's cool about them is that they can do more than just fry - especially when it comes to cooking vegetables.

If you want to make tasty and healthy veggie dishes, you're in for a treat! In this guide, we'll dive into the world of air-frying vegetables. We'll give you useful advice, creative ideas, and recipes that will make your taste buds happy.

Table of Contents


If you're looking for a healthier way to cook vegetables compared to deep frying, then air fryer vegetable recipes are the way to go. These recipes use hot air to make your veggies crispy without drowning them in oil. In this article, we'll explore the world of air frying and share some tasty recipes that will change the way you think about eating your vegetables.

Why Choose Air Fryer Vegetable Recipes?

When it comes to cooking vegetables, the air fryer offers several compelling advantages:

Healthier Choice: Cooking your veggies in an air fryer is a healthier option. Unlike deep frying which dunks your food in a sea of oil, air frying uses much less. This means your veggie dishes will have fewer calories and less unhealthy fat, which is better for your overall well-being.

Perfectly Crunchy: Air fryers have a nifty trick - they circulate hot air around your food. This creates a crispy and delightful outside while keeping the inside of your veggies tender and tasty. So, you get that satisfying crunch without using too much oil.

Time-Saver: Air fryers are often faster than other cooking methods for veggies. The hot air cooks your vegetables evenly, so they're ready faster. This is super convenient, especially when you're short on time or have a busy schedule.

Incredibly Versatile: Air fryers work like magic when it comes to cooking veggies. You can use them for all kinds of vegetables, from Brussels sprouts to zucchini, and everything in between. This means you can get creative and make a wide variety of delicious veggie dishes.

Air fryer vegetable recipes are an excellent choice because they use less oil, make your veggies crispy yet tender, save you time, and let you cook a wide range of vegetables that taste fantastic.

Essential Ingredients and Equipment

Before you embark on your air frying adventure, make sure you have the essentials:

Fresh Vegetables: To kickstart your air frying journey, you'll want some fresh veggies. You can choose your favorites like broccoli, cauliflower, sweet potatoes, or any others you love. Make sure they're fresh because that's what gives your dishes the best taste and texture.

Quality Olive Oil: Even though air frying uses less oil than deep frying, a small drizzle of good olive oil can make a big difference. It boosts the flavor of your veggies and helps them get that wonderful crispiness. You don't need a lot, just a little for that extra taste and crunch.

Seasonings: To make your air-fried veggies super tasty, you'll need some seasonings. Think of herbs, spices, and seasonings like garlic powder, paprika, rosemary, and more. These add exciting flavors to your dishes, and you can get creative to match your taste.

Air Fryer: The star of the show is, of course, the air fryer itself. Get a good-quality one with adjustable temperature settings and a non-stick basket. The adjustable temperature settings let you control how your veggies cook, so they turn out perfectly. And the non-stick basket makes cleanup a breeze while preventing your veggies from sticking.

With these essential ingredients and equipment, you're all set to begin your air-frying adventure and make delicious, crispy, and flavorful vegetable dishes.

Preparing Your Veggies

To achieve the best results, follow these steps:

Step 1: Clean Your Veggies

  • Rinse your veggies under cold water, especially if they're dirty. You can use a brush or your hands to gently clean them, especially for veggies like carrots and potatoes.
  • After washing, pat them dry with a kitchen towel or paper towel. Getting rid of extra moisture helps your veggies cook evenly and turn golden when you cook them.

Step 2: Cut Them the Same

  • Make sure your veggies are roughly the same size when you cut them. Think of it as getting them ready to dance together!
  • The size of your cuts depends on your recipe, but try to keep them similar. You can go for cubes, wedges, strips, or slices—whatever works. Just aim for consistency.

Step 3: Use a Little Olive Oil

Drizzle a bit of olive oil over your veggies. Olive oil does three important things:
  • It helps your veggies get that tasty golden color when you cook them.
  • It adds flavor to your veggies.
  • It stops them from sticking to your pan or baking sheet.
You don't need lots of oil—just a few tablespoons to give your veggies a light, even coating.

Step 4: Add Some Flavor

It's time to make your veggies tasty! Season them with your favorite flavors:
  • Sprinkle on some salt and pepper—they're like the basics of seasoning.
  • Try herbs like rosemary, thyme, or your favorites.
  • Don't forget spices like paprika, garlic powder, or even a bit of Parmesan cheese if you want to get fancy.
Gently toss your veggies to make sure the oil and seasonings cover them evenly.
By following these steps, you'll have veggies that are all set to be roasted, sautéed, or cooked any way you like. When your veggies are prepared just right, they'll cook evenly and taste incredibly delicious! 🥦🥕🍅🌽🍠

Classic Crispy Air Fryer Vegetables

Here's how to make classic crispy air fryer vegetables:

Step 1: Get Your Air Fryer Ready
  • Turn on your air fryer and set the temperature to 375°F (190°C). This step is like preheating your oven; it makes sure the air fryer is hot and ready for your veggies.
Step 2: Prep Your Veggies
  • Take the veggies you've already washed, dried, and seasoned with a bit of olive oil and your favorite seasonings. These are your prepped and ready-to-go veggies.
Step 3: Load the Veggies
  • Open the air fryer basket and lay out your seasoned veggies in a single layer. Don't pile them up; this allows the hot air to reach each piece, making them crispy.
  • If you have lots of veggies, you might need to cook them in batches.
Step 4: Set the Timer
  • Close the air fryer basket and set the timer for 12-15 minutes. Keep an eye on them because the exact cooking time can vary based on your veggies and how big they are.
Step 5: Give Them a Shake
  • About halfway through the cooking time, around 6-7 minutes in, pause the air fryer and gently shake the basket. This helps ensure that all sides of the veggies get evenly cooked and crispy.
Step 6: Check for Doneness
  • After the total cooking time, open the air fryer and check your veggies. They should have a crispy outside and be tender inside.
  • If they need a bit more time, you can cook them for a few extra minutes, checking often.
Step 7: Serve and Enjoy
  • Once your air fryer veggies are perfectly crispy and cooked to your liking, take them out and put them on a plate.
  • Your classic crispy air fryer vegetables are now ready to enjoy as a delicious side dish or snack!
This method lets you enjoy veggies with a satisfying crunch and just a hint of oil, making it a healthy and tasty choice for veggie fans. Remember to adjust the cooking time depending on your veggies and how you prefer them cooked. Enjoy your meal! 🥦🍅🍠🍆🌽

Creative Vegetable Medleys

Step 1: Choose Your Veggies
  • Start by picking veggies you like. Mix and match to make a colorful and delicious combo.
  • Great choices include broccoli, bell peppers, carrots, snap peas, zucchini, cauliflower, mushrooms, cherry tomatoes, asparagus, and onions. You can also use your personal favorites.
Step 2: Get Your Veggies Ready
  • Wash and dry your veggies to make sure they're clean.
  • Cut them into pieces that are easy to eat. Try to keep the sizes similar so they cook evenly.
Step 3: Mix and Match
Now, have fun putting different veggies together to make your medley.
For example:
    • Broccoli and bell peppers: Mix the green of broccoli with the vibrant colors of bell peppers for a tasty and eye-catching combo.
    • Carrots and snap peas: Combine the sweetness of carrots with the satisfying crunch of snap peas for a delightful mix.
    Step 4: Add Flavor and Cook
    • Sprinkle your veggie mix with your favorite flavors. You can use things like olive oil, salt, pepper, garlic, herbs (like thyme or rosemary), or spices (such as paprika or cumin).
    • Cook your veggies however you like: roast them in the oven, cook them in a pan, or stir-fry them in a wok. It depends on what you enjoy and how much time you have.
    • Remember to keep an eye on the cooking times. Start with veggies that need more time and add quicker cooking ones later for perfect results.
    Step 5: Serve and Enjoy
    • Once your veggie medley is cooked just the way you like it, put it on a plate.
    • You can enjoy it as a side dish, mix it with pasta or grains for a meal, or use it as a topping for pizza or an omelet.
    Making vegetable medleys is a fantastic way to explore different flavors, textures, and colors while adding healthy veggies to your meals. Have fun getting creative with your combinations! 🥦🌽🍅🥕

    Stuffed Vegetables: A Flavor Explosion

    Making stuffed vegetables is a fun and delicious way to prepare meals. Here's a simple guide in plain language:

    Step 1: Choose Your Veggies
    • First, pick the veggies you like. Bell peppers, zucchini, and mushrooms work well because of their shape.
    • If you want to get creative, you can try other veggies like tomatoes, eggplants, or even big onions.
    Step 2: Prep Your Veggies
    Depending on your chosen veggies:
      • For bell peppers: Cut off the tops, take out the seeds, and make a hollow space inside. You can keep them whole or cut them in half.
      • For zucchinis: Cut them in half longways and scoop out the middle to create space for stuffing.
      • For mushrooms: Remove the stems and make a little hole in the caps.
          Step 3: Make the Filling
          Now, let's make the tasty stuffing:
          • Cook some rice (like white or brown rice) following the instructions on the package.
          • In a different pan, cook finely chopped onions, garlic, and other veggies you like (like carrots, celery, or spinach) until they're soft.
          • Mix the cooked rice with the sautéed veggies. Add your favorite flavors like herbs, spices, salt, and pepper. You can try things like Italian herbs, cumin, paprika, or fresh herbs like parsley and basil.
          • If you want, you can add some protein like cooked ground meat or plant-based options like tofu or chickpeas.
          Step 4: Fill Your Veggies
          Put the yummy stuffing you made into your prepared veggies. Don't push it in too hard, though.

          Step 5: Choose How to Cook Them
          You have a few options for cooking:
          • Air Fryer: Heat it up to around 350-375°F (175-190°C). Put the stuffed veggies in there in a single layer. Cook until they're soft and the stuffing is a little crispy, which usually takes about 15-20 minutes.
          • Oven: Preheat it to 375°F (190°C). Put the stuffed veggies in a baking dish and cover them with foil. Bake for 30-40 minutes, taking off the foil for the last 10-15 minutes to make the tops golden brown.
          • Stovetop: If you're making stuffed mushrooms, you can cook them in a pan. Heat some oil in a skillet on medium heat and cook them until they're soft and the filling is cooked.
          Step 6: Serve and Enjoy
          • After your stuffed veggies are cooked and a little cooled down, it's time to eat!
          • You can serve them as a yummy main course or a tasty side dish. If you like, you can add fresh herbs or cheese on top.
          Stuffed veggies are a burst of flavors and textures. They're flexible, so you can make them just the way you like. Enjoy your delicious creations! 🌶️🍄🍆🍽️

          Seasonings And Sauces

          Experiment with various seasonings and sauces to elevate your dishes. From honey mustard glazes to balsamic drizzles, the options are endless.

          A. Seasonings:

          Salt and Pepper: These two are like your trusty companions. Salt makes your food taste better, and pepper adds a little zing. You'll use them in almost every recipe.

          Herbs: Whether fresh or dried (like basil, rosemary, thyme, oregano, and cilantro), herbs bring unique flavors and lovely scents to your dishes. Fresh herbs also make your food look fancy when you sprinkle them on top.

          Spices: Spices, like paprika, cumin, cinnamon, and nutmeg, are like your kitchen's treasure chest. They make your food taste rich and exciting.

          Garlic and Onion: These are like the secret ingredients in many recipes. They give your dishes that savory and delicious flavor. You can use fresh garlic and onion or their powdered versions.

          Citrus Zest: Imagine grating the colorful outer part of lemons, limes, or oranges. It adds a fresh and zesty flavor that wakes up your dishes, especially when you sprinkle it on at the end.

          Chili Peppers: If you enjoy a bit of spice, chili peppers like jalapeños or red pepper flakes can give your food a nice kick. Just be careful not to go overboard if you're not a fan of spicy food.

          Seasoning Blends: These are like ready-made flavor mixes. Think of them as your shortcut to making your food taste awesome. You can find blends like Italian seasoning, Cajun seasoning, or curry powder.

          B. Sauces:

          Tomato-Based Sauces: These are classic sauces made with tomatoes. You've got marinara for pasta, Pomodoro for pizza, and tomato basil for that extra yumminess.

          Cream Sauces: Creamy sauces like Alfredo or béchamel are like a warm hug for your food. They're rich and creamy, perfect for pasta, chicken, and seafood dishes.

          Soy Sauce: This sauce is a superstar in Asian cooking. It's salty and savory and can be used for stir-fries, marinades, and dipping your sushi.

          Olive Oil and Balsamic Vinegar: When you mix these two, you get a simple yet tasty combo. It's great for salads, drizzling over roasted veggies, or dipping your bread.

          Honey Mustard: This sauce is a blend of sweet honey and tangy mustard. It's perfect for glazing meats, dressing salads, or dipping chicken tenders.

          BBQ Sauce: BBQ sauce is smoky and tangy, and it loves to join the party with grilled meats. You can also use it as a yummy topping for burgers or sandwiches.

          Pesto: Pesto is a green sauce made from basil, pine nuts, garlic, cheese, and olive oil. It's like a celebration of flavors for pasta, sandwiches, and marinades.

          Teriyaki Sauce: This sauce is both sweet and savory and works wonders in Japanese cooking. It's great for marinating meats and stir-frying.

          Hot Sauces: If you're into spiciness, there's a whole world of hot sauces to explore. Some are mild, while others bring the heat. They can add that fiery kick and extra flavor to your dishes.

          Salsa: Salsa is a chunky condiment made with tomatoes, onions, peppers, and herbs. It's perfect for topping tacos, grilled meats, or scooping up with chips.

          Playing around with different seasonings and sauces lets you give your dishes that special touch and create flavors that make your meals uniquely yours. So, go ahead and have fun in the kitchen! 🌶️🍅🍯🍝

          Healthy Snacking with Air-Fried Vegetables

          Snacking on air-fried vegetables is both tasty and healthy. Here's how you can do it straightforwardly:

          Step 1: Pick Your Veggies

          Start by choosing veggies you enjoy. Options like kale, chickpeas, sweet potatoes, zucchini, or green beans work well.

          Step 2: Prep Your Veggies

          For Kale Chips:
          • Wash the kale leaves and make sure they're completely dry. Dry kale turns nice and crispy.
          • Remove the tough stems and break the kale into small pieces.
          • You can add a little olive oil for a good coating that helps seasonings stick.
          • Season with your favorite spices, like salt, pepper, or garlic powder.
          • Preheat your air fryer to about 350°F (175°C).
          • Place the kale in the air fryer basket in a single layer.
          • Air fry for 5-7 minutes until they become crispy and slightly browned.
          For Seasoned Chickpeas:
          • Drain and rinse a can of chickpeas. Pat them dry with a paper towel.
          • Mix the chickpeas with your preferred spices, such as paprika, cumin, or garlic powder.
          • Preheat your air fryer to around 375°F (190°C).
          • Spread the seasoned chickpeas in the air fryer basket.
          • Air fry for 15-20 minutes, shaking the basket every 5 minutes. They should become crispy and golden.

          Step 3: Enjoy Your Healthy Snacks

          Once your air-fried veggies are ready, allow them to cool a bit. They'll be wonderfully crispy and delicious.

          Kale chips and seasoned chickpeas make fantastic, guilt-free snacks. You can munch on them as they are or dip them in your favorite sauce. They're a much healthier choice compared to regular chips or snacks.

          Don't forget to store any extras in an airtight container to maintain their crispiness. Snacking on air-fried veggies is not only tasty but also a clever way to satisfy your snack cravings while staying on the healthy side! 🌱🍽️👍

          Dipping Sauces and Condiments

          Dipping sauces and condiments can make your air-fried veggies even tastier. Here's what you need to know:

          Homemade Dipping Sauces:

          • Creamy Ranch: This is a classic and delicious dip. You can make it by mixing mayonnaise, buttermilk, sour cream, and some flavorful herbs and spices like garlic powder, onion powder, dill, parsley, and chives. Adjust the thickness and taste by adding more buttermilk or herbs.
          • Tzatziki: It's a refreshing Greek sauce made with yogurt, cucumber, garlic, and dill. You can prepare it by grating a cucumber, squeezing out the extra water, and mixing it with Greek yogurt, minced garlic, chopped fresh dill, a bit of lemon juice, and a pinch of salt. It's perfect for dipping Mediterranean-style air-fried veggies like zucchini or eggplant.
          • Spicy Sriracha Mayo: If you enjoy some heat, you can make spicy Sriracha mayo. Just blend mayonnaise and sriracha sauce to your preferred level of spiciness. You can also add a splash of lime juice or a touch of garlic powder for extra flavor. It pairs wonderfully with air-fried sweet potato fries or cauliflower bites.

          Store-Bought Dipping Sauces:

          • Ranch Dressing: You don't need to make ranch from scratch – you can find it ready-made in bottles at the store. It's super convenient and goes well with a variety of air-fried veggies, like carrots, celery, or broccoli.
          • Tzatziki Sauce: Pre-made tzatziki sauce is also available in most grocery stores. It's a quick and easy option for dipping your air-fried veggies, especially when you're short on time.
          • Sriracha Mayo: Bottled sriracha mayo can be found in stores as well. It's a fantastic choice if you want some spicy goodness with your air-fried creations, and you don't have to do any preparation.
          To enjoy these dipping sauces with your air-fried veggies, simply dip, drizzle, or spread them as you like. The combination of crispy air-fried veggies and flavorful sauces can make your snack incredibly tasty.

          Feel free to get creative and try different sauces and condiments to discover your favorite combinations. Whether you prefer creamy, tangy, or spicy dips, there's a sauce out there to make your air-fried veggies even more delicious! 🥦🍅🌶️🍟

          Air Fryer vs. Traditional Frying

          Let's talk about how air frying and traditional frying compare and why air frying is a better option if you want to stay healthy while enjoying crispy food.

          Air Frying vs. Traditional Frying:

          1. How They Cook:
          • Air Frying: Imagine your food getting cooked by hot air swirling around it. This makes the outside crispy and the inside stays juicy.
          • Traditional Frying: In traditional frying, your food takes a dip in hot oil. The oil cooks it quickly and makes it crispy.
          2. Healthy Choice:
          • Air Frying: Air frying is a healthier choice because it doesn't use as much oil. You can still get that satisfying crunch without loading up on extra calories and fats.
          • Traditional Frying: Traditional frying can use a lot of oil, which can make your meal heavy on your tummy and not so great for your health.
          3. Less Oil Used:
          • Air Frying: Air frying is kind to your health because:
          • It only needs a tiny bit of oil, usually sprayed or brushed on your food.
          • Any extra oil drips away during cooking, so you're not eating it.
          • Traditional Frying: Traditional frying means your food soaks up a lot of oil, which isn't the best for your health.
          4. Keeping Taste and Crunch:
          • Air Frying: Air frying keeps your food tasting great and crispy. It gives you that wonderful crunch while keeping the inside tender and tasty.
          • Traditional Frying: Traditional frying also makes things crispy and yummy, but it uses more oil, which can make your food feel heavy.
          5. Cooking Time:
          • Air Frying: Air frying might take a little longer because it uses hot air to cook. But the bonus is you don't have to flip your food constantly.
          • Traditional Frying: Traditional frying is quicker because of the hot oil, but you have to watch it carefully to avoid overcooking.
          6. Versatility:
          • Air Frying: Air fryers are like kitchen superheroes. You can use them for baking, roasting, and reheating, not just frying.
          • Traditional Frying: Traditional frying mainly suits frying and deep-frying.
          In a nutshell, air frying is the healthier choice because it uses less oil while keeping your food deliciously crispy. It's also a versatile kitchen gadget. Traditional frying can be heavier on oil and less healthy. So, it all depends on your taste and health goals!

          Tips for Perfectly Crispy Results

          Getting your air fryer to make food super crispy is like an art, and these tips from the pros will help you do it just right:

          1. Temperature Settings:
          • Different foods need different temperatures to get crispy. So, start by warming up your air fryer to the temperature your recipe suggests.
          • In most cases, setting it between 350°F (175°C) and 400°F (200°C) is a safe bet. But if you're cooking something delicate, like pastries, you might want to start a bit lower and adjust as you go.
          2. Cooking Times:
          • Foods come in all shapes and sizes, so follow the cooking times mentioned in your recipe as a starting point.
          • Smaller pieces cook faster, so keep an eye on them. Sometimes, they need less time, especially if you're making just a small batch.
          3. Basket Shaking Technique:
          • To make sure your food gets crispy all over, gently shake the air fryer basket or give the food a little toss with a utensil about halfway through cooking.
          • Be careful when you shake to avoid messing up delicate stuff or losing tasty coatings.
          4. Don't Overcrowd:
          • Leave some room between your food pieces in the air fryer basket. If you stuff it too full, your food might not cook evenly, and it won't be as crispy.
          • If you have lots to cook, do it in batches instead of trying to squeeze everything in at once.
          5. Use Oil Wisely:
          • While air frying uses less oil, a thin coat can make your food even crispier. You can use an oil sprayer or brush to add a very light layer of oil before cooking.
          • Don't go crazy with the oil, though, because too much can make your food greasy.
          6. Check Food Doneness:
          • Always make sure your food is cooked through and safe to eat. Some things, like chicken or fish, need to reach a certain temperature inside.
          • If your food isn't as crispy as you'd like when it's done, you can air fry it for an extra minute or two for that perfect crunch.
          7. Experiment and Adjust:
          • Feel free to play around with different temperatures, cooking times, and shaking methods to figure out what works best for your favorite recipes.
          • Keep a little journal of your air frying adventures, noting the settings that gave you the crunchiest results.
          By following these tips and tweaking them based on your taste, you'll become an air frying whiz, making food that's always perfectly crispy and incredibly delicious with your air fryer!

          Cleaning and Maintenance

          Keeping your air fryer in great shape is essential for tasty, crispy food. Here's a step-by-step guide:

          1. Unplug and Cool Down:
          • Make sure your air fryer is not connected to power and has cooled down completely before cleaning. Safety first!
          2. Remove and Clean Parts:
          • Take out parts like the cooking basket or tray if your air fryer has them.
          • Wash these parts with warm, soapy water using a soft sponge or cloth. Avoid using rough scrubbers that can harm the non-stick coating.
          • Rinse thoroughly to get rid of any soap.
          3. Clean the Inside:
          • Use a damp cloth or sponge to wipe the inside of the air fryer, including the heating element. Be careful not to use too much water or soak the whole unit.
          • Be extra cautious around the heating element to avoid any damage.
          4. Exterior Cleaning:
          • Wipe the outside of your air fryer with a damp cloth to remove grease or food bits. If there are stubborn stains, a mild kitchen cleaner can help.
          • Pay attention to the buttons and control panel, making sure they stay clean and dry.
          5. Heating Element Care:
          • If your air fryer has a visible heating element, gently clean it with a brush or a soft, damp cloth to remove oil and food residue.
          • Be very careful near the heating element to avoid any damage.
          6. Deodorize:
          • If your air fryer retains cooking smells, try this trick: place a bowl of water with a few lemon slices inside the fryer and run it at a low temperature for a few minutes.
          7. Regular TLC:
          • Always consult your air fryer's user manual for specific care instructions from the manufacturer.
          • Check the power cord for damage, and ensure it's securely plugged in.
          • Keep an eye on the air intake and exhaust vents to make sure they're not blocked.
          8. Storage:
          • When not in use, store your air fryer in a clean, dry place. Wait until it's fully cooled down before storing it.
          • If your air fryer has a cord, neatly wrap and secure it to avoid any damage during storage.
          9. Replacing Parts:
          • If any parts, like the cooking basket or non-stick coating, get damaged, consider replacing them to keep your air fryer working well.
          10. Deep Cleaning:
          • Depending on how often you use your air fryer, give it a more thorough cleaning from time to time. Follow the manufacturer's instructions to disassemble it for a deep clean.
          Regular cleaning and maintenance will keep your air fryer in great shape, ensuring your food stays crispy and delicious. Always refer to your air fryer's manual for specific care tips based on its model.


          To wrap it up, air fryer vegetable recipes are a fantastic way to make tasty, crispy, and healthy dishes. By using the right ingredients and methods, you can turn your favorite veggies into mouthwatering treats. Forget about feeling bad for enjoying fried foods – say hello to the wonderful world of air frying!

          Now that you've learned about air fryer vegetable recipes, it's time to start cooking. Whether you're a pro chef or just starting, air frying offers a tasty and healthier way to enjoy your favorite veggies. Grab your air fryer and get ready for a delicious culinary journey! 🥦🍠🍆

          Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

          Here are some commonly asked questions about air fryer vegetable recipes:

          Q1: Can I use frozen veggies in my air fryer?
          A: Yes, you can! Just follow the cooking times and adjust the temperature as needed to make sure they turn out great.

          Q2: How can I keep my veggies from getting too dry in the air fryer?
          A: To prevent dryness, give your veggies a light coating of olive oil and consider using a cooking spray. This helps them stay moist and tasty.

          Q3: Can I cook a lot of veggies at once in my air fryer?
          A: Most air fryers have enough space to cook large batches of veggies, making them perfect for gatherings or meal prep.

          Q4: Is it okay to use parchment paper in the air fryer basket? 
          A: Absolutely! You can use parchment paper in the basket to stop your veggies from sticking and make cleanup easier.

          Q5: Are air fryers safe to use? 
          A: Yes, they're generally safe, but always follow the manufacturer's instructions and be careful when handling hot appliances.


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