General Policy

Policy for The Temporary Soul

Effective Date: [22/05/2023]


Welcome to The Temporary Soul, our website where bloggers and content creators come to share their thoughts, ideas, and stories. This policy is like our rulebook, and it's all about making sure our website is a safe, friendly, and enjoyable place for everyone. When you use The Temporary Soul, you agree to follow these rules.

User Behavior

Be Kind and Respectful: Treat others the way you'd like to be treated. Harassing, using hate speech, discriminating, or being mean won't be allowed.

Respect Others' Work: Please respect the work of others. Don't share stuff that belongs to someone else without their permission. If you think someone used your work without asking, let us know.

Tell the Truth: Make sure what you share is true and honest. No fibbing, misleading, or making things up.

Keep Personal Info Private: Be a good digital citizen and respect people's privacy. Don't share someone's private stuff, like their home address or phone number, without their okay.

Keep It Safe: Don't do anything sneaky or harmful. We're all here to have a good time, so no hacking, spreading viruses, or other bad stuff, okay?

Content Guidelines

Be Original: We encourage you to come up with your own stuff and share it. Copying someone else's work without asking is a no-no.

Respect Copyrights: Don't post, share, or use stuff that belongs to others without their permission. And when you mention or use someone else's work, give them credit.

Keep It Respectful: We don't allow content that's rude, offensive, or just plain inappropriate. If it crosses the line, we'll take it down.

No Over-Promotion or Spam: Don't go overboard with promoting yourself or spamming. Let's keep the community conversations meaningful and not too salty.

Moderation and Rules

We Keep an Eye Out: We take a look at the stuff users post on our website to make sure it follows our rules. We try our best, but we can't catch everything. So, if you see something that doesn't seem right, tell us.

Following the Rules Matters: If someone breaks our rules, we might have to temporarily or permanently suspend their account or remove their content. We'll decide what to do based on how bad the rule-breaking is.


We want you to know that we can't guarantee everything you see on our website is totally accurate or complete. The thoughts and opinions expressed by individual bloggers are their own, and they might not be the same as what we think here at The temporary Soul.

Changes to the Rules

We might make changes to these rules from time to time, but we'll let you know if we do. If we make big changes and you keep using the website, that means you agree to follow the new rules.

So, it's a good idea to read these rules carefully and make sure you're following them when you use The Temporary Soul If you ever have questions or concerns, you can reach out to us through our social media channels.

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